This devhlp is the equivalent of DosQuerySysState API call. See more details about the data structures, arguments and options there.
Calling convention
- EAX = function code
- EBX = argument 1
- EDI = high 16 bit: argument 2, low 16 bit: argument 3
- ESI = FLAT (linear) address of a buffer
- ECX = size of buffer
- DL = 07eh
- CY=0, AX = 0, okay
- CY=1, AX = APIRET error code
Data structures
See DosQuerySysState
Valid at TASK time only. See DosQuerySysState
Republished without permission from Holger Veit’s long gone webpages – MKG
This devhlp is used to read from a file opened with DevHlp_OpenFile.
Calling convention
- CY=0, AX = 0: read okay
- CY=1, AX = ERROR_BAD_LENGTH: packet is invalid
- CY=1, AX = <>0: other filesystem related errors
Data structures
; assembler structure
SYIReadFile struc
length dw 8 ; length of structure (must be 8)
buffer dd ? ; 16:16 address of a read buffer
size dd ? ; number of bytes to read
SYIReadFile ends
Valid at INIT time only. Although the size argument of the data structure implies, I’d recommend to better not read more than 32K at a time. Note that the buffer itself is segmented, so DMA overrun and other effects might apply, depending on the quality of the miniIFS in use.
IMHO, the length of structure should be 10, not 8.
Republished without permission from Holger Veit’s long gone webpages – MKG